New BS ISO 45001:2018
Gunite are thrilled to have achieved full transition to the new BS ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System standard, showing we are committed to continual improvement and a level of excellence shared by organisations worldwide.
ISO 45001 Benefits include:
- The company is in an elite category of business and internationally recognised. ISO 45001 puts your organisation on a level of excellence shared by organisations worldwide.
- Satisfies demands of current or prospective customers for registration. A superior pool of clients that accept competent and prospective businesses.
- Increased acceptance by regulators, the public, and interested parties. Accepted as being proactive about Health and Safety and continual improvement.
- Improves business performance. A well designed, well implemented ISO 45001 health/safety management system reduces workplace illness and injury and increases productivity.
- Creates consistency throughout the organisation built around “best practices”.
- Provides a platform for attracting lower insurance premiums and proves due diligence to the marketplace.
- Allows better identification of hazards and risk.
- Ensures compliance with all current legislation worldwide.
- Improves the efficiency of internal operations, reduces accidents, dangers, and downtime.
- Improves the safety of all persons affected by the company’s activities.
- Improves management oversight. Incorporates monitoring and measurement of key performance indicators in health/safety. This gives management objective data upon which to base decisions.
- Internal auditing is an “early warning system” to help you spot health/safety threats – giving you the chance to address and resolve them before they are detected by others, rather than after.
- Facilitates continual improvement. Employee morale, insurance costs, liability, etc. not to mention simple human concern for the welfare of others — nothing in a business is more important than improving health/safety performance.
- Transforms your operation from detection mode to prevention mode.
- The benefits of Implementing ISO are endless and when implemented correctly it provides the company with an effective tool that will show a return on investment. With continued increases in insurance premiums, increased injury claims and spiralling health care costs the question companies need to ask themselves is can they afford not to implement ISO 45001.