Scan to BIM

Scan to BIM

Scan to BIM

Building Information Modelling (BIM) is now the standard in new construction. Providing far more information than traditional 2D plans, BIM is the creation of a 3D model that contains crucial information and allows it to be linked and held together. This in turn means the right information is available to the right individuals at the right time. As a result teams can be collaborative and costs greatly reduced through reduction in errors and simplified project planning.

Virtuscan allows as-built buildings to start this same process even though they are well past the planning stage. Through visiting the site and capturing the property in its current condition we first build an accurate Point Cloud from which we can take measurements. Next our team of modellers create a 3D model in a CAD environment.

Inside this model, it is possible to embed crucial building information. This ranges from the materials used to dates of install and measurements creating an ‘intelligent 3D model’.  This intelligent model can be useful for understanding not just the building itself but also the surroundings and environment.

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Having such detailed information can be incredibly powerful and can be used to work collaboratively with Architecture, Engineering and Construction professionals reducing the need to attend a site.

These highly advanced BIM models give architects and project managers the ability to virtually work on the site and identify potential issues and plan with a greater deal of accuracy all of which can significantly reduce time and save money.

This service is beneficial for any situation where it is important to visually capture the site in order to make recommendations, plans or to be able to revisit a detailed screen shot at a single point in time.