Corrosion Control

Corrosion Control

Corrosion Cathodic Protection

Galvanic Corrosion requires 3 elements: 2 different types of metals in contact with each other and a solution that is corrosive such as water.

If these 3 elements are in place, the metal which is more noble will become a cathode and will corrode at a slower rate than it would if it was on its own.

On the other hand, the metal which is more active will become an anode and will corrode at a faster rate.  The increased corrosion rate of the anode is called Galvanic Corrosion.

Corrosion Protection 1 scaled

This corrosion can have major effects on the structure of a building, the Statue of Liberty is the most famous example of this whereby the cast iron framing began to galvanise which meant most of the cast iron had to be replaced by steel. 

We use a system of Cathodic protection by switching the properties of the of the anodic sites on the metal to cathodic. 

As one of the UK’s leading specialist contractors Gunite can assist you with your corrosion prevention and cathodic protection requirements. 

Our qualified operatives can assess the level of risk to new structures or extent of corrosion on existing structures and provide the most appropriate preventative solutions and systems. 

For new build structures if the risk of corrosion is considered to be significant then we can install a corrosion prevention system during construction. 

For existing structures our preventative methods of corrosion control include: 

  • Anti-carbonation coatings to provide protection against the ingress of carbon dioxide, oxygen and water, whilst allowing damp substrates to breathe without blistering. 
  • Migratory corrosion inhibitors that migrate through concrete on existing structures to help product the steel reinforcement. 
  • Cathodic protection to control the corrosion of metal surfaces. 


Fulham Road