An intrepid Gunite Group team took on the ultimate challenge last weekend, the daunting Tough Mudder course at Boughton House, Northamptonshire. I am delighted to say they all completed the gruelling course, raising money for last years charity Help for Heroes.
For those of you wondering what on earth a Tough Mudder is, it is a 19 km obstacle course which tests physical strength and mental grit. It is not about who gets to the finishing line first but the experiences you have as a team along the way. Tackling obstacles with names like Birth Canal, King of the Swingers and Electroshock Therapy mean it is more than just a jog round the local park!
There were two teams from the Gunite Group facing this challenge on a sunny May afternoon. The Run a Muck team contained Senior Contracts Manager Matthew Gillborn, Estimating Director Tim Ellis, Contracts Manager Suzanne Baldwin and Estimator Kris Gordon. The Jive Turkeys consisted of Gunfire Estimating Manager Tom Laws, HR Manager Katrina Laws and Business Development Manager James "Reggie" Reid. The good news is they all came through relatively unscathed bar a few bumps and bruises and are already planning for next year .........